California is a state of remarkable angling opportunities. California's Passport Challenge list includes 150 of the most popular sport game fish species. Here are some recommended fishing maps, charts, and books to help you fish the state of California.
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California Fly Fishing and CA Maps

[California Rivers and Fly Fishing] [Los Angeles] [SF-NorCal] [California Lakes]
California is a state of remarkable angling opportunities and a leader in the sheer amount and diversity of fishing experiences and outdoor opportunities that it offers. California includes 103 major streams and 74 major rivers. Total Inland Water Resources include 4,172 lakes and Reservoirs , 29,664 miles of streams that support fish including 17,958 miles of coldwater streams and 7,763 miles of coastal streams with andromous fish populations. California encompasses approximately 1,100 miles of California coastline and 200 miles out to sea. California's Passport Challenge list includes 150 of the most popular sport game fish species: 48 inland species, 86 ocean species and 16 marine and freshwater shellfish/invertebrate species.

California Fishing Links Outside NCFishAndGame.comCalifornia Department of Fish and Game

Wilderness Adventures Press' gives you access to over 400 waters in over 20 states: a great source for detailed information on fishing in the U.S. America's leading publisher of flyfishing guides and detailed map books, and now you can get all of this vital information for your next fishing trip.

Each water contains a detailed description of the water, hatch charts, recommend flies, detailed fishing maps showing river miles, access points, boat ramps, campgrounds, and more.
Wilderness Adventures River Maps
Hat Creek, California Fold-out Map
Hat Creek, 11X17 fold-out river map
Wilderness Adventures River Maps
Kern River, California Fold-out Map
Kern River, 11X17 fold-out river map
Wilderness Adventures River Maps
Owens River including Hot Creek, California Fold-out Map
Owens River including Hot Creek, 11X17 fold-out river map
Wilderness Adventures Press Guide Books
California's Best Fishing Waters
182 Detailed Maps of 31 of the Best Rivers and Streams in California completely revealed in excellent, detailed, full color maps showing every fishing access, campground, boat launch, tributary, and trail, along with great information about each section of water and nearby fisheries. Public land is clearly identified in color, and every possible access or state lease is easy to find with just a glance. Everything you need to know about Northern California's famous trout rivers and coastal steelhead streams to Yosemite National Park waters and small streams in the Sierras. Boat ramps, campgrounds, and roads and trails that allow additional access to every stream. River miles, public and private land, and a wealth of other useful information for anglers is also included. SB, lay-flat binding, 8 1/2 x 11 224 pages, 182 maps. Here is a list of waters included in the book: American, Carson, Eel, Fall, Feather, Garcia, Gualala, Hat Creek, Hot Creek, Kern, Kings, Klamath, Mad, Mattole, McCloud, Merced, Navarro, Owens, Pit, Russian, Sacramento, Lower Sacramento, Upper San Joaquin, Smith, Stanislaus, Trinity, Truckee, Tuolumne, Walker, East Walker, West Yuba.
$29.95 plus $6.95 shipping
Wilderness Adventures Press Guide Books
Flyfisher's Guide to Northern California
By Seth Norman. The Flyfisher's Guide to Northern California covers all of the major fishing waters in the state. Each water is written by an expert flyfisher, who knows the water. The Fall River, Hat Creek and Pit River, Hot Creek , Yuba and Feather Rivers, Truckee , East Carson, Lower Owens and East Walker, Lower Sacramento, Upper Sacramento, McCloud River, and the Trinity River. Each expert covers tactics and the best times to fish the water, along with recommended flies and hatch charts. There are over 40 detailed maps of the rivers with river miles and public access points. There is a section on the private waters that have trophy trout and are available for a daily rod fee. There are also listings for fly shops, accommodations, and campgrounds. 6 x 9, 319 pages, 21 hatch charts, 25 maps, BW photos.
$26.95 plus $5.95 shipping

Checkout safely at NCFishAndGame with Paypal[Fly Shop] Most orders over $50 shipped free!!!

Some Valuable California Fishing and California Fishing Map Links
California Fishing Links Outside NCFishAndGame.comCalifornia State Tourism - Official State Site
California Fishing Links Outside NCFishAndGame.comCalifornia Department of Fish and Game
California Fishing Links Outside - California's Fly Fishing Directory
California Fishing Links Outside NCFishAndGame.comPier Fishing in California - The complete coast and bay guide to shore based fishing
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