Weather is very important to the fisherman. First, it drives safety and second it is critical to productive fishing. This page lists links that help you determine and predict weather, tide, and temperature for North American and bordering waters.
Map, fishing maps, charts, info and gear for fly fishing , anglers, and outdoors sportsmen.

Weather and temperature for your Fishing Trip

North America has some of the best fishing in the world. Catching NA fish is easy, but to be the very most productive, you must put some thought into a fishing trip. A few factors that effect the way fish locate and bite are tides, weather, and temperature. This page lists several tools to determine and predict factors that may effect fishing. Other articles will discuss how these factors actually effect fishing.

Some Sample Fish and Ideal Temperature Ranges
degree F
Smallmouth Bass
Red Drum  

Travel site to your fly fishing destinationNational Buoy Data Center (click buoy and take links to weather, wind, and wave action) - Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, and Southwest. All buoys are at this link and there is much good data here.
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationNOAA Short Term Forecast for Western, Central and Eastern regions and the Marine Forecast (click to your area)
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationTWC Radar Loop for NC (enter city/state for your area)
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationWeather Underground Marine Weather -- Marine Weather (enter zip code for your area)

The above weather reports are valuable for planning your trip as fish bite best in a specific temperature range. Also, you can plan for clothing and weather protection. In addition it can protect boaters from being out in an area that is potentially endangered with wind or high wave action. Water Temperature is important to fish and therefore fish catching. Explore some of the links below to find optimal temperatures for certain fish and then compare that to water temperatures throughout the year.


Travel site to your fly fishing destinationFlorida Fishing by Temp.
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationLocate fish by Temperature
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationBasic Essentials of Fly Fishing
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationFine Fishing Saltwater Fish Temperature Preferences -- Temperatures preferred and avoided by saltwater fish
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationFreshwater Fish Temperature Chart -- Preferred temperatures for freshwater fish


Tide -- Tide charts are valuable anywhere tidal currents move.
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationTide and Currents Chart / NOAA -- (Drill down to your area)
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationUniv. of South Carolina Tide and Current Prediction - USC has a good prediction. (Please select your area)

Tides are very important as many fish move with them or avoid them.


Temperature -- Water Temperature is important to fish and therefore fish catching. Explore some of the links above to find optimal temperatures for certain fish and then compare that to water temperatures throughout the year.
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationSea Surface Temperature Charts for Offshore Fishing from HotSpots Charts - Good charts for fishing
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationNational Oceanographic Data Center - Coastal Water (plus others) Water Temperature
Travel site to your fly fishing destinationSatellite Image of Sea Surface Temperature around - Rutgers Univ. (click area on the left side of screen)


Good Weather, Tide, and Temperature Links plus others
LinksFisheries and Wildlife by State
Travel site to your fly fishing - Excellent travel site, the one we use
------ info and links ------

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