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Echo Fly Fishing Rods and Reels

ECHO Rods: No matter what the criteria for choosing your next fly rod; action, power, length, cast-ability, cosmetics, or price, Echo has the right model for any budget or desire. From our new lightweight high modulus Echo3 series to the Gecko kid's rod we make something for all pocketbooks, skill levels, and angling situations.

[Echo Fly Rods and Reels]
Fly Rods: [Echo3 Rods] [Glass Rods] [ION Rods] [Carbon Rods] [Base Rods] [Shadow II Rods]
Spey Rods: [TR Spey Rods]
Reels: [ION Reels]

Echo3 Fly Fishing Rods

Echo Glass Fly RodsECHO3 rods are the most advanced, high performance rods that have graced the steps of Rajeff Sports. Using high modulus graphite fiber and modern resin systems, ECHO3 rods are both light and exceptionally strong. Designed to have slim diameter blanks and be incredibly light in the hand ECHO3 rods look, feel, and cast like rods selling for twice the price. With crisp fast actions and modest power levels these rods perform at the highest level over a large range of fishing conditions. ECHO3 rods also feature a new HD (high density) cork handle giving you more sensitivity and durability at this very important, but often overlooked connection point. Through the design process the Rajeff team was amazed at how smooth and responsive the rods were. They feel light in the hand and have low swing weight. You won't find a better rod at any price.

Echo Glass Fly Rod Reel Seat Echo Glass Fly Rod Tip top Echo Glass Fly Rods Snake Guide Echo Glass Fly Rod Stripping Guide Echo Glass Fly Rod Winding Check

Echo3 Freshwater Fly Fishing Rods

E3376 7'6" 3 A MED FAST

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3376, 7 ft 6 in, 3 wt, A handle, MED FAST. 4 piece

E34710 7'10" 4 A MED FAST

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E34710, 7 ft 10 in, 4 wt, A handle, MED FAST. 4 piece

E3486 8'6" 4 B MED FAST

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3486, 8 ft 6 in, 4 wt, B handle, MED FAST. 4 piece

E3490 9'0" 4 B FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3490, 9 ft 0 in, 4 wt, B handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3590 9'0" 5 B FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3590, 9 ft 0 in, 5 wt, B handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E3690 9'0" 6 B FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3690, 9 ft 0 in, 6 wt, B handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E3896 9'6" 8 D FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3896, 9 ft 6 in, 8 wt, D handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E35100 10'0" 5 C FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E35100, 10 ft 0 in, 5 wt, C handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E36100 10'0" 6 D FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E36100, 10 ft 0 in, 6 wt, D handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E37100 10'0" 7 D FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E37100, 10 ft 0 in 7 wt, D handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece

E38100 10'0" 8 D FAST-ISH

Echo Freshwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E38100, 10 ft 0 in, 8 wt, D handle, FAST-ISH. 4 piece


Checkout safely at NCFishAndGame with Paypal[Fly Shop] Most orders over $50 shipped free!!!

Echo3 Saltwater Fly Fishing Rods

E3S690 9'0" 6 E FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S690, 9 ft 0 in, 6 wt, E handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S790 9'0" 7 E FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S790, 9 ft 0 in, 7 wt, E handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S890 9'0" 8 E FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S890, 9 ft 0 in, 8 wt, E handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S990 9'0" 9 E FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S990, 9 ft 0 in, 9 wt, E handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S1090 9'0" 10 F FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S1090, 9 ft 0 in, 10 wt, F handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S1190 9'0" 11 G FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S1190, 9 ft 0 in, 11 wt, G handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece

E3S1290 9'0" 12 G FAST-ISH

Echo Saltwater Fly Rods
Echo3 E3S1290, 9 ft 0 in, 12 wt, G handle, FAST-ISH, 4 piece


Checkout safely at NCFishAndGame with Paypal[Fly Shop] Most orders over $50 shipped free!!!

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